Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Drawception is my new favorite thing

Go to www.drawception.com and prepare to laugh till it hurts. You've been warned.

Here's how it works...
  • 1) A player begins a game with a short phrase - for example, "A cow jumping over the moon"
  • 2) A randomly chosen player then draws that phrase
  • 3) Another random player describes the new drawing

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

DLC Sucks (...well most of it anyway)

I'm with this dude. I know we aren't forced to buy DLC but what bothers me is when corporate a-holes start locking content that's already on the disc so they can sell it to me later. It just seems so wrong...

DLC wasn't supposed to be a way to change an average game's price from $60 to $90+ or maybe it was... but anywho, we were supposed to receive meaningful expansions and content updates for a small fee. What we really got are marketing people hanging out inside our living rooms throwing offers in our face every two seconds. It has turned into a horrible cash grab.

Capcom Marketing Guy: Hey can I interes-
Me: No, I don't want another costume pack for Ryu

Random RPG Marketing Guy: Vanquish your foes with this new Horse armor DLC pack!
Me: Nah, I'm good.

Epic Marketing Guy: Hey bro! Want a new map (that's really just an old map)?!
Me: No thanks.

All the Marketing Guys: How about our season pass so you can enjoy all this sweet stuff at a 50% savings?
Me: Go f&!# yourselves.

Hey parents don't waste money on DLC, they are preying on your kid's trusting nature. I'm surprised there hasn't been a 60 Minutes exposé on this. "...and next up, how videogame companies are using your kids, to get to your wallet..."